Accelerated Reader
How to Login
Name: Marie Ramos
Birthday (DOB): January 10, 2013
ID#: 123456
Username: School ID
Password: Student's date of birth (8 digits)
Username: 123456
How Does the Accelerated Reader (AR) Program Work?
- 1st-5th grade students read books within their ZPD, or Zone of Proximal Development (reading range). ZPD is determined by students taking the STAR Reading test - at the beginning of the school year, at mid-year, and at the end of the school year. NOTE: Most books in the library are AR "quizzing" books, but books from home or other libraries can be read and quizzed on as well!
- Students take quizzes on books that are in their ZPD in order to earn points and meet their 6-weeks AR goals, which are set automatically based on their performance on the STAR Reading test.
- In order to meet their 6-weeks AR goal, students must:
(a) maintain a 90% average on quizzes
(b) earn all points as determined by their ZPD
(c) maintain average book level by quizzing on books within their ZPD
- Kindergarten students participate in the AR program by logging in and quizzing under their teacher's account, in preparation for 1st grade.
Accelerated Reader is a reading program that encourages reading growth and advancement. The AR program is a classroom requirement.
- Parents, through the AR HomeConnect, are able to receive instant feedback on the student's reading progress. Once parents sign up, they will receive an email every time their child takes an AR quiz. NOTE: Username and password are the same as AR.