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Password: Student DOB
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Single sign-on eResource management system This will automatically log you into all cooperative databases
(Site=Esparza Elementary, Edinburg CISD)
Ask the librarian for the username and password.
Provides encyclopedia articles on a variety of subjects with film clips, interactive learning games, photo galleries, journal articles, web sites, and maps.
Provides interactive games, books, maps, and drawing paper to help children learn about the world around them, how to do math problems, and how to read.
Britannica ImageQuest™ Britannica® ImageQuest™ – millions of royalty free images on one site and from 60 of the world's most respected image libraries. ImageQuest draws on image libraries from the likes of Getty and the National Portrait Gallery to provide high-quality, trustworthy images to teachers and students.
Provides encyclopedia articles in Spanish on a variety of subjects with film clips, interactive learning games, photo galleries, journal articles, web sites, and maps.
EBSCO provides research databases covering a variety of subjects for students, researchers and librarians.
Provides access to photographs, books, and magazines for kids from the National Geographic archives. |
TeachingBook strives to enrich everyone's experience reading children and young adult books with original and curated literary resources.
Learn360 is a multisubject, easy-to-use K–12 media library (videos, interactives, articles, songs, games, images, and more) that can be used on-site or off.
Designed to actively engage students in grades 3 and up, BrainPOP encompasses more than 650 curricular topics and growing! Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Technology, Arts & Music and Health are all brought to life through short, animated movies and related interactive quizzes and features.
Educational resource aligned to standards of Kindergarten through 3rd grade. Covers Science, Reading & Writing, Math, Health, Social Studies, and Arts & Technology. |
BrainPOP in Spanish. Ideal for native Spanish speakers, Spanish language students, and bilingual and dual language programs in grades 3 and up. |
BrainPOP ESL uses lively, engaging content to teach English to speakers of other languages. BrainPOP ESL incorporates listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and is suitable for all non-native speakers - starting at a beginner's level.